Monday, November 20, 2017

Recess Club is Off to a Great Start!

      Happy Thanksgiving!  Recess Club is off to a great start!  Students have already learned about  expected and unexpected behavior, social detective tools, whole body listening, and the Zones of Regulation.  These concepts were all introduced in kindergarten and now students continue to build on their knowledge base.

      The green zone is our optimal learning state.  This is where students want to be when receiving instruction.  Blue would be if students are sad, tired, or hungry and might be expected right before lunch or after a long day.  Students might be in the yellow zone at gym or recess when they are excited or silly.  A student might be in the red zone when they are feeling very frustrated or angry.

Zones of Regulation Chart

     In November, we introduced Zone Name Plates which are kept at student tables for a specific part of each week.   The goal of the name plate is to raise students' awareness of which zone they are in.  If they are not in the green zone, they would move their paper clip to the zone that they are in and choose a strategy from the card (Lazy 8 Breathing, read, draw, write, ask for help, or think happy thoughts) to employ in an effort to return to the green zone.  After a utilizing a strategy, the hope is that the student would then be able to return their paper clip to the green zone.  

     In Recess Club, students have been practicing their strategies so that they can improve their control over their bodies and feelings.   Slow deep breathing while we trace a sideways 8 is called "Lazy 8 Breathing" and envisioning your "happy place" is a mindfulness practice that involves using your imagination to visit a spot where you feel calm, safe, and peaceful. After a short "visit" to their happy place, it is hoped that students would return to their task feeling refreshed and focused.  
Lazy 8 Breathing

Zones of Regulation Name Plate and Strategies

     Please ask your student to demonstrate Lazy 8 Breathing or to describe their "happy place!"  

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