Friday, October 28, 2016

Recess Club Update 10/28

This week in Recess Club we reviewed the term expected behavior.  Students enjoyed sharing what expected behaviors they saw or did themselves throughout the week at school, home and in the community. Some things that were shared were helping a friend clean up, sharing with a sibling and using listening ears.

We continued talking about expected behavior by brainstorming what the word friendship means. We then read the story You Are Friendly by Todd Snow. We continued talking about expected behavior by brainstorming what the word friendship means. We then read the story You Are Friendly by Todd Snow. You are friendly when you invite someone to play with you, be polite, treat animals gently or kindly, offer to help or show compassion.

Include others by Nolan

Mrs. Siano and Mrs. Mannone's classes enjoyed drawing pictures of an expected friendly behavior. Your child may enjoy drawing a picture at home of an expected friendly behavior. 

Our training assignment this week is again to be on the lookout for friendly expected behaviors at home, school or in the community. Have a great week!

-Mrs. Bonenfant , Ms. Casavant & Mrs. Terrio

Cheer Others Up by Jonathan

Using ICare language - Finley

Friday, October 21, 2016

Recess Club 2016-2017

We are very excited that Recess Club has begun for our first graders this week. Recess club is held on

  • Thursday for Mrs. Capobiano, Mrs. Helenius/Ms. Deans, Mrs. Conway's classes
  • Friday for Mrs. Mannone and Mrs. Siano's classes

Our students got a great laugh seeing us dressed up as social detectives. They were quite curious to find out what Recess Club was. During our lesson this week we learned what exactly a social detective is and what is their job. Social detectives use their tools to look for clues and have expected behavior. Social detectives care about each others thoughts and feelings. When we have expected behavior it gives our friends good thoughts and feelings.

Our fellow first graders are social detectives in training. We worked together and shared a big list of expected behaviors we know. Each week our social detectives will have a training assignment. This week the training assignment is to be on the lookout for expected behavior and practice using expected behavior at home, school or in the community. We will have 3 friends from each class share their results next week. 

-Mrs. Bonenfant, Ms. Casavant & Mrs. Terrio